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Zak Worth

Zachary Worth, 2022. Photo: Michael Holland.

Zak Worth is a Sheboygan based artist. He was born and raised in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Art has always been important to him. Growing up, he was fortunate to be surrounded by family and friends in the Midwest who were artists passionate about aesthetics and encouraged him in his creative endeavors. In high school, art teacher Carol Rokicki showed him the importance of persisting in constant creation of artwork and in taking the time to explore his surroundings closely to discover hidden detail and dimension.

His work has been exhibited in many group and solo shows in the Midwest, and used for album covers for musicians in Europe and the United States. He has been commissioned for pieces for personal collections and has participated in group shows and art fairs in California. He has completed a number of indoor and outdoor murals in Sheboygan.

“Landscapes, both urban and natural, inspire much of the work I do. The juxtaposition between the busy make up of human-made environments and the flow of organic systems is a point of fascination for me. The rigidity of city lines and fluidity of nature seem to be in opposition, but I enjoy discovering their ties to each other as it unfolds through their complex fractal-like patterns and sophisticated structures. I also have a strong appreciation for native rituals and the ornate styles prominent at the turn of the 20th century.”

“I use many mediums in my work, including painting, drawing and collage. More recently, I’ve been working on a series of drawings that layer pen and ink over paint marker. At the same time. I’ve been expanding on another series of work with the exploration of “fractals”. Which naturally evolved from drawings I was doing long ago experimenting with the life flower form mostly in black and white using ball point pen. Over time I found different ways to basically build and grow an image using these forms. Lately I have been implementing more color playing with the background and in the foreground revisiting my abessive line play of organic and more structural elements. This has created a multi layered evolution of a few of my styles into a new and in doing so I’ve found many outcomes. I believe the most sincere and captivating ideas are established before the entry of critical thought. Therefore, creating rapidly, prolifically, with a sense of utmost urgency allows for an evolution of ideas to come to the surface before the corruption of reason has time to imbed itself.”

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